Fireball over Iceland
Image Credit & Copyright: Jennifer Franklin
Explanation: On September 12, from a location just south of the Arctic Circle, stones of Iceland’s modern Arctic Henge point skyward in this startling scene. Entertaining an intrepid group of aurora hunters during a geomagnetic storm, alluring northern lights dance across the darkened sky when a stunning fireball meteor explodes. Awestruck, the camera-equipped skygazers captured video and still images of the boreal bolide, at its peak about as bright as a full moon. Though quickly fading from view, the fireball left a lingering visible trail or persistent train. The wraith-like trail was seen for minutes wafting in the upper atmosphere at altitudes of 60 to 90 kilometers along with the auroral glow.
Tomorrow’s picture: Magnified Moon Mountains
影像提供与版权: Jennifer Franklin
说明: 在这片记录于9月12日的令人赞叹景观里,北极圈南侧的冰岛现代巨石阵之石柱指向天空。而当一群无畏的极光猎人,在磁暴期间看着诱人的北极光于幽暗的天空舞动时,一颗飞掠而过的火流星炸裂了开来。于是,这些看得目瞪口呆的观星者,用相机为这颗最大亮度和满月相当的北天火流星,拍下了影片和许多照片。虽然这颗火流星很快就暗去,但它留下了一道徘徊不去持续良久的流星痕。这道留连了数分钟的暗淡流星痕,在60至90公里的高空中,与极光一同在高层大气里漂流。
明日的图片: Magnified Moon Mountains