An Eclipse Tree
Image Credit & Copyright: Shawn Wyre
Explanation: Yes, but can your tree do this? If you look closely at the ground in the featured image, you will see many images of yesterday’s solar eclipse — created by a tree. Gaps between tree leaves act like pinhole lenses and each create a small image of the partially eclipsed Sun visible in the other direction. The image was taken in Burleson, Texas, USA. Yesterday, people across the Americas were treated to a partial eclipse of the Sun, when the Moon moves in front of part of the Sun. People in a narrow band of Earth were treated to an annular eclipse, also called a ring-of-fire eclipse, when the Moon becomes completely engulfed by the Sun and sunlight streams around all of the Moon’s edges. In answer to the lede question, your tree not only can do this, but will do it every time that a visible solar eclipse passes overhead. Next April 8, a deeper, total solar eclipse will move across North America.
Album: Selected eclipse images sent in to APOD
Tomorrow’s picture: eclipse sky
影像版权与提供: Shawn Wyre
说明: 你家的树有此能力吗?如果你细看这幅摄于美国德克萨斯州伯勒森市的主题影像,就能见到在昨天的日食期间,许多出现在地面树荫里的食日之影子。因为树叶之间的小间隙,功能就像针孔,分别把上方偏食日的弯月形身影投射到地面上。昨天在美洲各地的民众,当月亮移到太阳前方之时,有福见到日偏食。在此同时,对位于地球一道狭窄食带里的住民,当月亮完全被太阳呑噬、阳光从月亮的边缘透过来之时,更是有幸见到火之环的日环食的景观。所以前面导引问题的答案是:你家的树不但能投射此次日食的影子,每次当日食出现在头顶时也都如是。在明年的4月8日,另一例日全食将掠过北美洲。
相册: 发送至APOD的精选日食图像
明日的图片: eclipse sky