Nightlights in Qeqertaq
Image Credit & Copyright: Dennis Lehtonen
Explanation: Light pollution is usually not a problem in Qeqertaq. In western Greenland the remote coastal village boasted a population of 114 in 2020. Lights still shine in its dark skies though. During planet Earth’s recent intense geomagnetic storm, on November 6 these beautiful curtains of aurora borealis fell over the arctic realm. On the eve of the coming weeks of polar night at 70 degrees north latitude, the inspiring display of northern lights is reflected in the waters of Disko Bay. In this view from the isolated settlement a lone iceberg is illuminated by shore lights as it drifts across the icy sea.
Weekend Watch: The Leonid Meteor Shower.
Tomorrow’s picture: Artemis Anniversary
影像提供与版权: Dennis Lehtonen
说明: 在最北岛屿(Qeqertaq)光污染通常不是问题。这个座落在格陵兰岛西部的偏远沿海村庄,于2020年只有114位住民。然而,它上方幽暗的天空中却有跃动的光影。11月6日地球最近的强烈磁暴中,影像里这些美丽的北极光幕就悬在北极国度上空。在这个北纬70度之地,长达数星期的永夜即将降临的前夕,鲜明的北极光也倒映在迪斯科湾的水面上。此外,在这片荒僻居地的视野里,一座受岸边的灯火照亮的冰山,孤伶伶的漂流在冰冷的海面上。
周末观赏: 狮子座流星雨。
明日的图片: Artemis Anniversary