Shadows of Mountain and Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Enzo Massa Micon
Explanation: Can the Moon and a mountain really cast similar shadows? Yes, but the division between light and dark does not have to be aligned. Pictured, a quarter moon was captured above the mountain Grivola in Italy in early October of 2022. The Sun is to the right of the featured picturesque landscape, illuminating the right side of the Moon in a similar way that it illuminates the right side of the mountain. This lunar phase is called “quarter” because the lit fraction visible from Earth is one quarter of the entire lunar surface. Digital post-processing of this single exposure gave both gigantic objects more prominence. Capturing the terminator of this quarter moon in close alignment with nearly vertical mountain ridge required careful timing because the Earth rotates once a day.
Tomorrow’s picture: sky wide
影像提供与版权: Enzo Massa Micon
说明: 月亮和山会投下类似的影子吗?会的,但它们的明暗界线并不一定要对齐。上图所呈现的为2022年10月初,悬在意大利格里沃拉山上空的上弦月。在这幅优美的主题影像里,位于右方的太阳,同时照亮了月亮及山峰的右侧。这种月相之所以有“上弦”之称,则是因为从地球看出去,被阳光照亮的月面之可见比例为4分之1。而所拍下的单曝光影像,更经过后置处理以突显影像中的这2个巨大物体。由于每天地球自转一圈,因此要拍下上弦月的明暗界线和笔直山脊几乎对齐的画面,拍照的时间点必需抓得很精准。
明日的图片: sky wide
so amazing