Camera Orion Rising
Image Credit & Copyright: Marcin Ślipko
Explanation: What does Orion rising look like to a camera? During this time of the year, the famous constellation is visible to the southeast just after sunset. From most Earthly locations, Orion’s familiar star pattern, highlighted by the three-stars-in-a-row belt stars, rises sideways. An entire section of the night sky that includes Orion was photographed rising above Śnieżka, a mountain on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic. The long duration exposure sequence brings up many faint features including the Orion and Flame Nebulas, both encompassed by the curving Barnard’s Loop. The featured wide-angle camera composite also captured night sky icons including the blue Pleiades star cluster at the image top and the red Rosette Nebula to the left of Orion. Famous stars in the frame include Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel and Aldebaran. Orion will appear successively higher in the sky at sunset during the coming months.
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影像提供与版权: Marcin Ślipko
说明: 在相机的镜头里,猎户座升起的景观何似?每年的这段期间,于刚日落后的东南天空中,即可见到这个著名的星座。而从地球上的大部分地区看出去,以腰带三星为吸睛焦点的猎户座则是侧着升起。于这幅影像里,包括猎户座在内的这片夜空,拍摄时悬在波兰与捷克交界处的Śnieżka山之后方。这幅长曝光的序列影像,呈现许多昏暗的天体,包括猎户座大星云和火焰星云,而二者都在圆弧状的巴纳德环之怀抱里。这幅来自广角相机的主题组合影像,记录了许多夜空的标志性星体,包括位于影像顶端的泛蓝昴宿星团和猎户座左方的泛红蔷薇星云。视野里的著名恒星,则有天狼星、参宿四、参宿七和毕宿五。在未来几个月里,猎户座将在日落时出现在天空愈来愈高的位置。
明日的图片: open space