Rosette Deep Field
Image Credit & Copyright: Olivier Bernard & Philippe Bernhard
Explanation: Can you find the Rosette Nebula? The large, red, and flowery-looking nebula on the upper left may seem the obvious choice, but that is actually just diffuse hydrogen emission surrounding the Cone and Fox Fur Nebulas. The famous Rosette Nebula is really located on the lower right and connected to the other nebulas by irregular filaments. Because the featured image of Rosetta’s field is so wide and deep, it seems to contain other flowers. Designated NGC 2237, the center of the Rosette nebula is populated by the bright blue stars of open cluster NGC 2244, whose winds and energetic light are evacuating the nebula’s center. The Rosette Nebula is about 5,000 light years distant and, just by itself, spans about three times the diameter of a full moon. This flowery field can be found toward the constellation of the Unicorn (Monoceros).
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影像提供与版权: Olivier Bernard & Philippe Bernhard
说明: 你找得到玫瑰星云吗?左上方那团又大又红、乍看像花朵的星云,或许是最显而易见的选择,不过,它只是围拱锥状星云和狐皮星云的弥漫氢辐射。著名的玫瑰星云(NGC 2237)其实位于右下方,以不规则的云气丝与其他星云相连。由于这幅玫瑰星云主题影像极宽且深邃,故里头看似有众多的其他花朵状云气。NGC 2237的中心座落着由众多泛蓝亮星构成、编录号为NGC 2244的疏散星团,而它们所发出的恒星风和高能星光正在清空此星云的中心。玫瑰星云距离地球约5,000光年远,其跨幅则约为满月的3倍。影像中的这片繁花遍布的星野,位于麒麟(独角兽)座方向。
明日的图片: open space