ELT and the Milky Way
Image Credit & License: European Southern Observatory – Courtesy: Jens Scheidtmann
Explanation: The southern winter Milky Way sprawls across this night skyscape. Looking due south, the webcam view was recorded near local midnight on March 11 in dry, dark skies over the central Chilean Atacama desert. Seen below the graceful arc of diffuse starlight are satellite galaxies of the mighty Milky Way, also known as the Large and Small Magellanic clouds. In the foreground is the site of the European Southern Observatory’s 40-metre-class Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). Under construction at the 3000 metre summit of Cerro Armazones, the ELT is on track to become planet Earth’s biggest Eye on the Sky.
Tomorrow’s picture: when galaxies collide
影像提供与授权: European Southern Observatory – 提供者: Jens Scheidtmann
说明: 南半球的冬季银河蜿蜒穿过这片夜空景观。这片南眺的网络摄影机视野,是在3月11日当地子夜时分左右,摄于智利阿塔卡玛沙漠中心的幽暗夜空下。在优美的弥漫星光弧下方,可见到庞大银河系的伴星系─大麦哲伦星系与小麦哲伦星系。而位于在前景的,则是欧洲南方天文台的40米级极大望远镜(ELT)的建造地点。座落在阿马索内斯山海拔3000米的山顶,目前正在建造的极大望远镜,将成为地球最大的天空之眼。 (Extremely Large Telescope, ELT 极大望远镜;Cerro Armazones 阿马索内斯山)
明日的图片: when galaxies collide