Total Totality
Image Credit & Copyright: Daniel Korona
Explanation: Baily’s beads often appear at the boundaries of the total phase of an eclipse of the Sun. Pearls of sunlight still beaming through gaps in the rugged terrain along the lunar limb silhouette, their appearance is recorded in this dramatic timelapse composite. The series of images follows the Moon’s edge from beginning through the end of totality during April 8’s solar eclipse from Durango, Mexico. They also capture pinkish prominences of plasma arcing high above the edge of the active Sun. One of the first places in North America visited by the Moon’s shadow on April 8, totality in Durango lasted about 3 minutes and 46 seconds.
Solar Eclipse Imagery: Notable Submissions to APOD
Tomorrow’s picture: palm tree pinholes
影像提供与版权: Daniel Korona
说明: 食甚阶段太阳的边缘,通常会出现贝利珠。在这幅戏剧性的缩时组合影像里,从月亮剪影边缘嶙峋的原野透过之珠状阳光即可为见证。这系列4月8日摄于墨西哥杜兰戈市的影像,记录了在日食的食甚阶段时,于该地所见到的月盘边缘景观。除此之外,影像也记录了许多高高突起于活跃太阳边缘的粉红电浆(日珥 )。作为4月8日第一个月影造访的北美地区之一,杜兰戈市所感受的食甚阶段持续了约3分46秒。
日食图像: 向APOD提交的值得注意的影像
明日的图片: palm tree pinholes