A Solar Filament Erupts
Image Credit: NASA‘s GSFC, SDO AIA Team
Explanation: What’s happened to our Sun? Nothing very unusual — it just threw a filament. Toward the middle of 2012, a long standing solar filament suddenly erupted into space, producing an energetic coronal mass ejection (CME). The filament had been held up for days by the Sun’s ever changing magnetic field and the timing of the eruption was unexpected. Watched closely by the Sun-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory, the resulting explosion shot electrons and ions into the Solar System, some of which arrived at Earth three days later and impacted Earth’s magnetosphere, causing visible auroras. Loops of plasma surrounding the active region can be seen above the erupting filament in the featured ultraviolet image. Our Sun is nearing the most active time in its 11-year cycle, creating many coronal holes that allow for the ejection of charged particles into space. As before, these charged particles can create auroras.
Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
Tomorrow’s picture: Chamaeleon Sky
影像提供: NASA‘s GSFC, SDO AIA Team
说明: 我们的太阳发生了什么事?没什么特别的,它只是抛出了一道暗条而已。在2012年中之时,一道悬浮很久的太阳暗条,突然往太空爆发,产生一例强烈的日冕物质抛射事件(CME)。这道暗条被太阳变幻不定的磁场给定住,已悬浮了好多天,而它发生爆发的时间点则全无预兆。不过,绕行并严密监控太阳的太阳动态观测卫星(SDO),发现这次爆发把电子与离子喷注到太阳系里,其中有些在3天后抵达地球,冲击地球磁层并触发可见的极光。在上面这幅紫外光波段的主题影像里,可见到位于爆发暗条上方、镶在活跃区周围的环状电浆。在11年周期中,太阳目前处在最活跃的峰期附近,经常出现日冕洞,造成许多把带电粒子喷洒到太空中的事件。而如同以往,这些带电粒子可能会触发极光活动。
你的天空惊喜: APOD在你生日那天展示了哪张照片?(1995年后)
明日的图片: Chamaeleon Sky