Solar X Flare as Famous Active Region Returns
Video Credit: NASA, Solar Dynamics Observatory
Explanation: It’s back. The famous active region on the Sun that created auroras visible around the Earth earlier this month has survived its rotation around the far side of the Sun — and returned. Yesterday, as it was beginning to reappear on the Earth-facing side, the region formerly labeled AR 3664 threw another major solar flare, again in the highest-energy X-class range. The featured video shows the emerging active region on the lower left, as it was captured by NASA’s Earth-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory yesterday in ultraviolet light. The video is a time-lapse of the entire Sun rotating over 24 hours. Watch the lower-left region carefully at about the 2-second mark to see the powerful flare burst out. The energetic particles from that flare and associated CME are not expected to directly impact the Earth and trigger impressive auroras, but scientists will keep a close watch on this unusually active region over the next two weeks, as it faces the Earth, to see what develops.
Tomorrow’s picture: stairway to …
影片提供: NASA, Solar Dynamics Observatory
说明: 它回来了。于这个月稍早触发全球性可见极光的著名太阳活跃区,转到太阳的反面后存活了下来,现在又回到正面。昨天,这个先前的编号为AR 3664的活跃区,从太阳正面的边缘冒出头来,并爆发另一例最高能量X级的大型日闪/耀斑。这幅昨天由美国国家航空航天局的太阳动态观测卫星摄于紫外光波段的主题影片,记录了这个出现于左下角的回归活跃区。这部影片是全长24小时太阳自转的缩时版本。请注意看在2秒附近发生的强烈日闪爆发。这例日闪射出的高能粒子及附属的日冕物质抛射,预期不会直接冲撞地球并触发引人赞叹的极光。不过在接下来的2星期里,随着它转正朝着地球,科学家正密切监控这个异常活跃的区域会如何发展。
明日的图片: stairway to …