Earthrise: A Video Reconstruction
Video Credit: NASA, SVS, Apollo 8 Crew;
Lead Animator: Ernie Wright; (USRA); Music: C Major Prelude by Johann Sebastian Bach
Explanation: About 12 seconds into this video, something unusual happens. The Earth begins to rise. Never seen by humans before, the rise of the Earth over the limb of the Moon occurred about 55.5 years ago and surprised and amazed the crew of Apollo 8. The crew immediately scrambled to take still images of the stunning vista caused by Apollo 8‘s orbit around the Moon. The featured video is a modern reconstruction of the event as it would have looked were it recorded with a modern movie camera. The colorful orb of our Earth stood out as a familiar icon rising above a distant and unfamiliar moonscape, the whole scene the conceptual reverse of a more familiar moonrise as seen from Earth. To many, the scene also spoke about the unity of humanity: that big blue marble — that’s us — we all live there. The two-minute video is not time-lapse — this is the real speed of the Earth rising through the windows of Apollo 8. Seven months and three missions later, Apollo 11 astronauts would not only circle Earth’s moon, but land on it.
NASA Administrator Remembers Earthrise Photographer William Anders
Tomorrow’s picture: time spiral
地球升起: 影片重现
影片提供: NASA, SVS, Apollo 8 Crew;
首席动画师: Ernie Wright; (USRA); 配乐: C Major Prelude by Johann Sebastian Bach
说明: 在这部影片的第12秒附近,出现了极不寻常的景观——地球缓缓的升起。这种前所未见,地球从月亮临边升起的景象,发生在55年前,并让阿波罗8号的机组人员惊喜交加。于是他们手忙脚乱的拍下了一张张照片,记录因阿波罗8号绕行月球而出现的震憾景观。这部主题影片是这个事件的现代重现版,用以模拟如果是用电影摄影机拍摄会带来的视觉感受。影片里,我们熟悉地球的彩色球形身影,从陌生的月面景观后方升起。而这个场景,可视为地球较熟悉的月出景观之翻版。对许多人来说,这幅景象提醒我们人类是一个生命共同体,因为这个蓝色的球体,就是我们共同生活的家园。这部2分钟长的影片并非延时,而是地球在阿波罗8号视窗里升起的真实速率。经过7个月及3次任务之后,阿波罗11号的宇航员,不只是绕行月球,甚至还降落在它的表面上。
明日的图片: </strong>time spiral