Mars Passing By
Image Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel(TWAN)
Explanation: As Mars wanders through Earth’s night, it passes about 5 degrees south of the Pleiades star cluster in this composite astrophoto. The skyview was constructed from a series of images captured over a run of 16 consecutive clear nights beginning on July 12. Mars’ march across the field of view begins at the far right, the planet’s ruddy hue. showing a nice contrast with the blue Pleiades stars. Moving much faster across the sky against the distant stars, the fourth planet from the Sun easily passes seventh planet Uranus, also moving across this field of view. Red planet Mars and the ice giant world were in close conjunction, about 1/2 degree apart, on July 16. Continuing its rapid eastward trek, Mars has now left the sister stars and outer planet behind though, passing north of red giant star Aldebaran. Mars will come within about 1/3 degree of Jupiter in planet Earth’s sky on August 14.
Tomorrow’s picture: road trip
影像提供与版权: Tunc Tezel(TWAN)
说明: 在这幅组合天文照片里,于地球夜空漫游的火星,以大约5度的间距从昴宿星团的南方通过。这片夜空景观,则是由7月12日开始的、连续16个清朗夜晚拍摄的系列照片组合而成。从视野最右侧启程的火星,其泛红的色泽与昴宿星团的泛蓝恒星形成鲜明之对比。相对于遥远的背景恒星,火星这颗太阳系的第四颗行星,在天空中移动较快速,轻易的追过同在这片视野里的太阳系第七颗行星天王星。火星和这颗冰质巨行星在7月16日发生近合,二者相距约1/2度。继续快速向东移动的火星,目前已经离开了昴宿星团和天王星,从红巨星毕宿五的北侧通过。8月14日的地球的天空,将出现火星与木星相距约1/3度的近合。
明日的图片: road trip