The Moona Lisa
Image Credit & Copyright: Gianni Sarcone and Marcella Giulia Pace
Explanation: Only natural colors of the Moon in planet Earth’s sky appear in this creative visual presentation. Arranged as pixels in a framed image, the lunar disks were photographed at different times. Their varying hues are ultimately due to reflected sunlight affected by changing atmospheric conditions and the alignment geometry of Moon, Earth, and Sun. Here, the darkest lunar disks are the colors of earthshine. A description of earthshine, in terms of sunlight reflected by Earth’s oceans illuminating the Moon’s dark surface, was written over 500 years ago by Leonardo da Vinci. But stand farther back from your screen or just shift your gaze to the smaller versions of the image. You might also see one of da Vinci’s most famous works of art.
Tonight: International Observe the Moon Night
Tomorrow’s picture: lunar pronouns
影像提供与版权: Gianni Sarcone and Marcella Giulia Pace
说明: 在这个创意十足的视觉呈现中,是月球在地球天空中的各种自然色彩。像框中,这些以像素形式排列成影像的月盘,是在不同时间拍摄的。它们不同的色调是由于大气条件变化以及月球、地球和太阳的相对位置影响阳光反射所造成的。在这里,最暗的月盘是月球反射地照光的颜色。500多年前,奥纳多·达·芬奇曾描述了地照光,即是地球海洋反射阳光照亮月球黝黑的夜面。请您将视线转移到较小版本的影像上,或拉长眼睛与萤幕之间的距离;您可能还会看到达芬奇最著名的艺术作品之一“蒙娜丽莎”。 (译注:地照光的主要来源,其实是被地球云层反射的阳光。)
今晚: 国际观月夜
明日的图片: lunar pronouns