


A Hazy Harvest Moon
Image Credit & Copyright:
Petr Horálek / Institute of Physics in Opava

Explanation: For northern hemisphere dwellers, September’s Full Moon was the Harvest Moon. On September 17/18 the sunlit lunar nearside passed into shadow, just grazing Earth’s umbra, the planet’s dark, central shadow cone, in a partial lunar eclipse. Over the two and half hours before dawn a camera fixed to a tripod was used to record this series of exposures as the eclipsed Harvest Moon set behind Spiš Castle in the hazy morning sky over eastern Slovakia. Famed in festival, story, and song, Harvest Moon is just the traditional name of the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. According to lore the name is a fitting one. Despite the diminishing daylight hours as the growing season drew to a close, farmers could harvest crops by the light of a full moon shining on from dusk to dawn. This September’s Harvest Moon was also known to some as a supermoon, a term becoming a traditional name for a full moon near perigee.

Tomorrow’s picture: light-weekend

Petr Horálek / Institute of Physics in Opava

说明: 对北半球的居民来说,9月的满月有获月之称。在9月17/18日那晚,受到阳光照耀的月球正面滑入地球的影子,刚好切过地球黝黑中心影锥(本影)的边缘,带来了一例月偏食。于黎明前的两个半小时期间,由固定在三脚架上的相机所拍摄的这一系列照片,就记录了在朦胧清晨天空中,一轮带着食相的获月,从斯洛伐克东部的斯皮什城堡后方西落的景象。在节庆、故事和歌曲中颇为著名的获月,是最接近秋分的满月之称号。这个带点传说意味的传统名称,其实十分贴切。因为,尽管生长季节已近尾声,日照渐少,但农民仍能在满月从黄昏到黎明彻夜普照的月光下收割庄稼。这轮9月的获月,也是一轮超级月亮,而此名称也渐成为出现在近地点附近的满月之传统名称。

明日的图片: light-weekend

1 条回复

  1. 2024年9月20日

    […] Growing Gallery: This week’s supermoon eclipse Tomorrow’s picture: pixels in space […]

