


Ring of Fire over Easter Island
Image Credit & Copyright:
Yuri Beletsky (Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory, TWAN)

Explanation: The second solar eclipse of 2024 began in the Pacific. On October 2nd the Moon’s shadow swept from west to east, with an annular eclipse visible along a narrow antumbral shadow path tracking mostly over ocean, making its only major landfall near the southern tip of South America, and then ending in the southern Atlantic. The dramatic total annular eclipse phase is known to some as a ring of fire. Also tracking across islands in the southern Pacific, the Moon’s antumbral shadow grazed Easter Island allowing denizens to follow all phases of the annular eclipse. Framed by palm tree leaves this clear island view is a stack of two images, one taken with and one taken without a solar filter near the moment of the maximum annular phase. The New Moon’s silhouette appears just off center, though still engulfed by the bright disk of the active Sun.

Growing Gallery: Global aurora during October 10/11, 2024
Tomorrow’s picture: sky lights

Yuri Beletsky (Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory, TWAN)

说明: 2024年的第二次日食始于太平洋。在10月2日,月球的暗影沿着窄窄的环食带从西向东扫掠,不过,可见的区域大多在海上,仅短暂穿过南美洲南端的陆地,最后终结于南大西洋。其中,最戏剧性的日环食阶段,有“火之环”的称号。在此次的日食之中,月亮的背本影扫过南太平洋包括复活岛在内的岛屿时,让当地的住民得以见到日环食的所有阶段。这幅以棕榈树叶为框的清晰岛屿景观,是由二张照片叠合而成,一张是透过太阳滤镜拍摄所得,另一张则是摄于食甚附近的无滤镜照片。影像中,新月的剪影略微偏心,但仍包裹在活跃期太阳的盘面里。 (antumbral shadow 背本影、伪本影)

不断增加的画廊: 2024年10月10/11日的全球极光
明日的图片: sky lights

1 条回复

  1. 2024年10月11日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: ring of fire island […]

