Jupiter Abyss
Image Credit: NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS; Processing & License: Gerald Eichstädt & Sean Doran
Explanation: What’s that black spot on Jupiter? No one is sure. During one pass of NASA’s Juno over Jupiter, the robotic spacecraft imaged an usually dark cloud feature informally dubbed the Abyss. Surrounding cloud patterns show the Abyss to be at the center of a vortex. Since dark features on Jupiter’s atmosphere tend to run deeper than light features, the Abyss may really be the deep hole that it appears — but without more evidence that remains conjecture. The Abyss is surrounded by a complex of meandering clouds and other swirling storm systems, some of which are topped by light colored, high-altitude clouds. The featured image was captured in 2019 while Juno passed only about 15,000 kilometers above Jupiter’s cloud tops. The next close pass of Juno near Jupiter will be in about three weeks.
Tomorrow’s picture: orion the great
影像提供: NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS; 影像处理与授权: Gerald Eichstädt & Sean Doran
说明: 木星表面的那个黑斑是什么?没人能给个明确的答案。美国国家航空航天局的无人航天器朱诺号先前掠过木星时,拍到一团不寻常暂称为深渊的暗云。其周围的云层结构证实,这个深渊是一个涡漩的中心。因为木星大气的暗色结构,通常比淡色结构更深入木星,因此这个深渊看来像是个很深的洞,只是在没有更多的证据之前,这种说法只能算是臆测。这个深渊周围环绕着各式各样的蜿蜒云朵和涡旋状的风暴系统,有些则是以淡色高层云封顶。这幅主题影像,摄于2019年朱诺号大约以15,000公里高度通过木星云顶之时。大约再过3星期,朱诺号会再次近距离通过木星附近。
明日的图片: orion the great