Milky Way over Easter Island
Credit & Copyright: Josh Dury
Explanation: Why were the statues on Easter Island built? No one is sure. What is sure is that over 900 large stone statues called moais exist there. The Rapa Nui (Easter Island) moais stand, on average, over twice as tall as a person and have over 200 times as much mass. It is thought that the unusual statues were created about 600 years ago in the images of local leaders of a vibrant and ancient civilization. Rapa Nui has been declared by UNESCO to a World Heritage Site. Pictured here, some of the stone giants were imaged last month under the central band of our Milky Way galaxy. Previously unknown moais are still being discovered.
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Tomorrow’s picture: comet mountain
影像提供与版权: Josh Dury
说明: 为何在复活节岛上建造石像呢?没人能说个准。稍可确定的是,该岛上有900多座称为摩艾(moai)的巨大石像。这些摩艾的平均高度是人身高的2倍以上,重量更是人体重的200倍以上。一般认为这些独特的石像大约完成于600年前,并以该地充满活力古文明的领袖或备受尊崇的祖先为范本。复活节岛(拉帕努伊)已被联合国教科文组织宣告为世界文化遗产。上面这幅摄于上个月的影像,呈现了位于银河系中央盘面下方的数座摩艾。至今,仍持续会发现先前未知的摩艾石像。
备选Multi-APOD首页: MyUniverseHub.com
明日的图片: comet mountain