The Horsehead Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright: Alex Lin (Chilescope)
Explanation: One of the most identifiable nebulas in the sky, the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, is part of a large, dark, molecular cloud. Also known as Barnard 33, the unusual shape was first discovered on a photographic plate in the late 1800s. The red glow originates from hydrogen gas predominantly behind the nebula, ionized by the nearby bright star Sigma Orionis. The darkness of the Horsehead is caused mostly by thick dust, although the lower part of the Horsehead‘s neck casts a shadow to the left. Streams of gas leaving the nebula are funneled by a strong magnetic field. Bright spots in the Horsehead Nebula‘s base are young stars just in the process of forming. Light takes about 1,500 years to reach us from the Horsehead Nebula. The featured image was taken from the Chilescope Observatory in the mountains of Chile.
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影像提供与版权: Alex Lin (Chilescope)
说明: 猎户座的马头星云,是一个大分子云的一部份,也是夜空中最易辨识的星云之一。形状特殊、亦名为巴纳德33的马头星云,是在18世纪末发现于照片底板上。此星云后方的泛红辉光,主要源自被亮星参宿增一(Sigma Orionis)所电离的氢气。而黝黑的马头之所以现形,主要是因为它致密的尘埃遮挡了后方的光,而马颈更在其底部的左侧投下暗影。此外,强烈的磁场也正把气体抽离马头 星云,形成外泛的气流。马头星云底部的亮斑,是来自处于形成阶段的年轻恒星。光约需要经过1500年,才能从马头星云传到我们这里。上面这幅主题影像,是由智利 山顶上的智利天文台所拍摄。
明日的图片: open space