Grand Spiral NGC 5643
Image Credit: ESA / Hubble & NASA
Explanation: Viewed face-on, grand spiral galaxy NGC 5643 has a festive appearance in this colorful cosmic portrait. Some 55 million light-years distant, the galaxy extends for over 100,000 light-years, seen within the boundaries of the southern constellation Lupus. Its inner 40,000 light-years are shown in sharp detail in this composite of Hubble Space Telescope image data. The galaxy’s magnificent spiral arms wind from a yellowish central region dominated by light from old stars, while the spiral arms themselves are traced by dust lanes, young blue stars and reddish star forming regions. The bright compact core of NGC 5643 is also known as a strong emitter of radio waves and X-rays. In fact, NGC 5643 is one of the closest examples of the Seyfert class of active galaxies, where vast amounts of dust and gas are thought to be falling into a central massive black hole.
Tomorrow’s picture: planet Earth at twilight
宏伟的螺旋星系NGC 5643
影像提供: ESA / Hubble & NASA
说明: 在这幅缤纷的彩色宇宙影像里,正向我们的宏伟螺旋星系NGC 5643带着节庆的色彩。位于南天的豺狼座里的的这个星系,距离地球约5,500万光年远,跨幅超过10万光年。这张建构自哈伯太空望远镜数据的组合影像,清晰的呈现了此星系核心40,000光年范围内的细微结构。影像里,此星系泛黄的核心区拥有大量年老的恒星,而从核心区伸展而出的壮丽螺旋臂上,则散布着勾勒出旋臂外观的尘埃带、年轻泛蓝恒星及泛红的恒星形成区。NGC 5643的明亮紧实核心,也是强烈的无线电波及X射线辐射源。事实上,NGC 5643是最邻近我们的西佛型活跃星系之一,咸认其内部有大量的尘埃和气体正掉向其中心的超大质量黑洞。
明日的图片: planet Earth at twilight