A December Winter Night
Image Credit & Copyright: Włodzimierz Bubak
Explanation: Orion seems to come up sideways, climbing over a distant mountain range in this deep skyscape. The wintry scene was captured from southern Poland on the northern hemisphere’s long solstice night. Otherwise unseen nebulae hang in the sky, revealed by the camera modified to record red hydrogen-alpha light. The nebulae lie near the edge of the Orion molecular cloud and join the Hunter’s familiar belt stars and bright giants Betelgeuse and Rigel. Eye of Taurus the Bull, yellowish Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster near top center. Still, near opposition in planet Earth’s sky, the Solar System’s ruling gas giant Jupiter is the brightest celestial beacon above this horizon’s snowy peaks.
Tomorrow’s picture: frozen
影像提供与版权: Włodzimierz Bubak
说明: 在这幅深空影像里,猎户座看似躺着从远方的山脉后方升起。这片冬季景观则是摄于波兰南部,时值北半球漫长的冬至夜。影像里,原本肉眼难以见到的星云,在透过改装配备氢α红色滤镜的相机取像后,而得以显现。这些位于猎户分子云边缘的星云,有猎户座熟悉的腰带三星、明亮的巨星参宿四及参宿七为伴。而影像中上方的金牛眼睛、色泽泛黄的毕宿五,为V形毕宿星团的定锚天体。除此之外,位于冲附近的木星、这颗太阳系最大的气态巨行星,则是雪峰上空最明亮的天体。
明日的图片: frozen