Comet ATLAS over Brasília
Image Credit: Frederico Danin
Explanation: What’s that in the sky? Above the city, above most clouds, far in the distance: it’s a comet. Pictured, the impressive tail of Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) was imaged from Brasília, Brazil four days ago. Last week the evolving comet rounded the Sun well inside the orbit of planet Mercury, going so close there was early concern that it might break up — and recent evidence that it really did. At one point near perihelion, Comet ATLAS was so bright that sightings were even reported during the day — over the bright sky near the Sun — by careful observers. Over the past few days, Comet ATLAS has developed a long tail that has been partly visible with unaided eyes after sunset, most notably in Earth’s southern hemisphere.
Growing Gallery: Comet ATLAS (G3)
Tomorrow’s picture: up north
影像提供: Frederico Danin
说明: 悬在天空中的是什么?悬在这座城市上空、大部分云层的上方与遥远的天际的是一颗彗星。这幅摄于4天前、呈现阿特拉斯彗星(C/2024 G3 ATLAS)曳着壮观彗尾的影像,拍摄地点是巴西的首府巴西利亚市。在上星期,这颗不断演变的彗星旋绕过太阳,并深入水星的轨道之内,来到非常靠近太阳的位置,以至于它有崩解之虞,而最新的迹证显示,它的确也发生崩解。在近日点附近时,阿特拉斯彗星的亮度甚至达到白画可见的程度,连在太阳附近的炫亮白画天空中,有适当护具的观察者就能见到它的身影。过去几天,阿特拉斯彗星长出了一道颀长的彗尾,尤其在南半球的日落后,用肉眼就能隐约见到彗尾的风采。