HH 30: A Star System with Planets Now Forming
Image Credit: James Webb Space Telescope, ESA, NASA & CSA, R. Tazaki et al.
Explanation: How do stars and planets form? New clues have been found in the protoplanetary system Herbig-Haro 30 by the James Webb Space Telescope in concert with Hubble and the Earth-bound ALMA. The observations show, among other things, that large dust grains are more concentrated into a central disk where they can form planets. The featured image from Webb shows many attributes of the active HH-30 system. Jets of particles are being expelled vertically, shown in red, while a dark dust-rich disk is seen across the center, blocking the light from the star or stars still forming there. Blue-reflecting dust is seen in a parabolic arc above and below the central disk, although why a tail appears on the lower left is currently unknown. Studying how planets form in HH 30 can help astronomers better understand how planets in our own Solar System once formed, including our Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: M87
HH 30: 有形成中行星的恒星系统
影像提供: James Webb Space Telescope, ESA, NASA & CSA, R. Tazaki et al.
说明: 恒星和行星是如何形成的?韦伯太空望远镜携手哈勃太空望远镜及地面的ALMA阵列(阿塔卡马大型毫米波/次毫米波阵列),在原行星系统HH30内,找到如何回答上述提问的新线索。它们的观测的成果之一,是发现于HH30里,大颗粒尘埃密集在可形成行星的中央盘面上。这幅由韦伯望远镜所拍摄的主题影像,呈现了活跃的HH30系统之诸多特征构造。影像中可清楚见到的,有垂直于盘面喷出的粒子喷流(红色),而横跨中央富含尘埃的暗盘,则遮掩了仍处在形成阶段的恒星(或多颗恒星)所发出的星光。中央盘面上方及下方的抛物线状光弧,则是尘埃反射恒星的星光所形成的泛蓝尘埃云。至于左下方的尾状结构从何而来,目前仍然是一个未解之谜。透过研究 HH 30的行星是如何形成的,有助于天文学家深入了解我们太阳系里的地球及其他行星当初形成的奥秘。
明日的图片: M87