Galaxies in Space
Image Credit & License: NASA, ISS Expedition 72, Don Petit
Explanation: The plane of our Milky Way galaxy extends beyond the limb of planet Earth in this space age exposure captured by astronaut Don Pettit. His camera, with low light and long duration settings, was pointed out the window of a Dragon crew spacecraft docked with the International Space Station on January 29. The orbital outpost was at an altitude of about 400 kilometers above the Pacific Ocean at the time. Motion blurs the Earth below, while the gorgeous view from low Earth orbit includes the Milky Way’s prominent satellite galaxies, known as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, near the upper left in the frame. Fans of southern skies can also spot the Southern Cross. The four brightest stars of the famous southern constellation Crux are near picture center, just beyond the edge of the bright horizon and shining through Earth’s orange tinted atmospheric glow.
Tomorrow’s picture: Cyclones on Jupiter
影像提供与授权: NASA, ISS Expedition 72, Don Petit
说明: 在这幅由太空人唐·佩蒂特所拍摄的太空时代影像里,银河系的中央盘面伸展到地球的临边外头。在1月29日拍照时,摄影者位于碇泊在国际太空站的载人龙飞船上,手持低光度及长曝光设定的相机,透过观景窗拍下了这幅影像。当时,轨道上的国际太空站,正以约400公里的高度掠过太平洋上空。在这片低地球轨道所见到的壮丽景观里,除了下方的动态模糊地球之外,还可见到视野左上方很吸睛的银河伴星系–大与小麦哲伦星系。此外,南半球的星空爱好者不难找到南十字星群。在影像的中心附近,可见到南天十字座最明亮的四颗星,紧贴着地球明亮的地平线,于地球橘红的大气晖光后方绽放光芒。
明日的图片: Cyclones on Jupiter