The Protostars within Lynds 483
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA,
Explanation: Two protostars are hidden in a single pixel near the center of a striking hourglass-shaped nebula in this near-infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope. The actively forming star system lies in a dusty molecular cloud cataloged as Lynds 483, some 650 light-years distant toward the constellation Serpens Cauda. Responsible for the stunning bipolar outflows, the collapsing protostars have been blasting out collimated energetic jets of material over tens of thousands of years. Webb’s high-resolution view shows the violence of star-formation in dramatic detail as twisting shock fronts expand and collide with slower, denser material. The premier close-up of the star-forming region spans less than 1/2 a light-year within dark nebula Lynds 483.
March 13/14: Total Lunar Eclipse
Tomorrow’s picture: Moon Pi
分子云Lynds 483内的原恒星
影像提供: NASA, ESA, CSA,
说明: 在这幅由韦伯太空望远镜所拍摄的近红外光影像里,吸睛的沙漏状星云中心附近,有2颗原恒星藏在同一个像素内。这个位于巨蛇座尾部方向的活跃恒星形成系统,座落在编录号为Lynds 483(林兹483)的尘埃分子云之内,与我们相距约65光年。这对塌缩中的原恒星产生了影像中的双瓣状外泛流,而这种高能物质喷流业已持续了数万年。韦伯望远镜的高解析度影像证实,恒星诞生过程可以相当剧烈,在此范例里,可清楚解析出扭曲的震波前沿,如何扩张及冲撞较致密的慢速移动物质。这幅恒星诞生区的特写影像,呈现了暗星云Lynds 483内宽不到半光年的区域。
3月13/14日: 月全食
明日的图片: Moon Pi