Blue Ghost’s Diamond Ring
Image Credit: Firefly Aerospace
Explanation: On March 14 the Full Moon slid through Earth’s dark umbral shadow and denizens of planet Earth were treated to a total lunar eclipse. Of course, from the Moon’s near side that same astronomical syzygy was seen as a solar eclipse. Operating in the Mare Crisium on the lunar surface, the Blue Ghost lander captured this video frame of Earth in silhouette around 3:30am CDT, just as the Sun was emerging from behind the terrestrial disk. From Blue Ghost’s lunar perspective the beautiful diamond ring effect, familiar to earthbound solar eclipse watchers, is striking. Since Earth appears about four times the apparent size of the Sun from the lunar surface the inner solar corona, the atmosphere of the Sun most easily seen from Earth during a total solar eclipse, is hidden from view. Still, scattering in Earth’s dense atmosphere creates the glowing band of sunlight embracing our fair planet.
Tomorrow’s picture: welcome to the equinox
影像提供: Firefly Aerospace
说明: 在3月14日那天,满月穿过地球黝黑的本影,为地球的住民带来了一场月全食。然而,从月球的正面看出去,这次的天文近合所产生的却是日食。于月球表面危海运转的蓝精灵登月器,在美国中部时间凌晨3:30左右,拍下了这幅呈现地球剪影的影片定格,而当时太阳正要从地球盘面的后方冒出头来。于是从蓝精灵的月面视角,见到了地球日食观察者很熟悉的精采钻石环景观。然而,对位于月球表面的观察者,地球的视大小约为太阳的4倍之多,因此在地球观看日全食时轻易可见的日冕,则被地球遮掩而不得见。纵然如此,在地球浓密大气的散射下,阳光形成了环抱美丽地球的柔和光环。
明日的图片: welcome to the equinox