SuperCam Target on Ma’az
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/CNRS
Explanation: What’s the sound of one laser zapping? There’s no need to consult a Zen master to find out, just listen to the first acoustic recording of laser shots on Mars. On Mars Rover Perseverance mission sol 12 (March 2, 2021) the SuperCam instrument atop the rover’s mast zapped a rock dubbed Ma’az 30 times from a range of about 3.1 meters. Its microphone recorded the soft staccato popping sounds of the rapid series of SuperCam laser zaps. Shockwaves created in the thin Martian atmosphere as bits of rock are vaporized by the laser shots make the popping sounds, sounds that offer clues to the physical structure of the target. This SuperCam close-up of the Ma’az target region is 6 centimeters (2.3 inches) across. Ma’az means Mars in the Navajo language.
Tomorrow’s picture: once upon a beach
说明: 在火星上,受到雷射轰击会发出什么声音?其实并不需要请教专家,只要聆听火星上的首个雷射录音档就能得到答案。在毅力号火星车的第12个火星日(2021年3月2日),装在火星车桅杆上的超级相机仪从约3.1公尺之外,向名为Ma’az的岩石发射了30束雷射,而它的麦克风录下了接连发射的雷射脉冲所造成之柔和噼啪声。当这些雷射脉冲轰击并蒸发小片的岩石表面时,会产生震波,而这些噼啪声,即为震波在稀薄火星大气传播、携有标靶物理结构线索的声音。这张超级相机特写影像,呈现Ma’az岩石表面宽的6公分区域。Ma’az在纳瓦霍族(Navajo印地安人)语里,意指火星。
明日的图片: once upon a beach