Ancient Ogunquit Beach on Mars
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, Curiosity Rover
Explanation: This was once a beach — on ancient Mars. The featured 360-degree panorama, horizontally compressed, was taken in 2017 by the robotic Curiosity rover that explored the red planet. Named Ogunquit Beach after its terrestrial counterpart, evidence shows that at times long ago the area was underwater, while at other times it was at the edge of an ancient lake. The light peak in the central background is the top of Mount Sharp, the central feature in Gale Crater where Curiosity explored. Portions of the dark sands in the foreground were scooped up for analysis. The light colored bedrock is composed of sediment that likely settled at the bottom of the now-dried lakebed. The featured panorama (interactive version here) was created from over 100 images and seemingly signed by the rover on the lower left.
Tomorrow’s picture: moon goes dark
影像提供: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, Curiosity Rover
说明: 在远古的火星上,这曾经是一片滩头。这幅水平方向经过压缩的360度全景主题影像,是由目前在探索火星的好奇号火星车所拍摄。因它在地球上的相似景观而得名的奥甘奎特滩(Ogunquit Beach),迹证显示在远古的年代,火星的这个区域曾数次沉浸在水里,也曾经是一座古湖泊的湖岸。影像背景中央的淡色山峰,是夏普山的顶峰,它也是好奇号布放点所在的盖尔坑中央的特征结构。目前好奇号正在缓缓的攀登夏普山,路过前景的黑沙地带时,曾经铲起一些沙子进行分析。淡色的岩床,则可能是目前已干涸的湖床之沉积岩。这张主题全景图(点此可连到互动版本),是由位在左下角的好奇号火星车所拍摄的100多幅照片拼接而成。
明日的图片: moon goes dark