A Total Lunar Eclipse Over Uruguay
Video Credit & Copyright: Mauricio Salazar
Explanation: If the full Moon suddenly faded, what would you see? The answer was recorded in a dramatic time lapse video taken during the total lunar eclipse last week from Uruguay. During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Moon and the Sun, causing the Moon to fade dramatically. The Moon never gets completely dark, though, since the Earth’s atmosphere refracts some light. As the featured video begins, the scene may appear to be daytime and sunlit, but actually it is nighttime and lit by the glow of the full Moon. As the Moon becomes eclipsed and fades, background stars become visible. Most spectacularly, the sky surrounding the eclipsed moon suddenly appears to be full of stars and highlighted by the busy plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. Nearly two hours after the eclipse started, the Moon emerged from the Earth’s shadow and its bright full glare again dominated the sky.
Tomorrow’s picture: moon glows blue
影片提供与版权: Mauricio Salazar
说明: 如果满月突然变暗,你会看到什么?这部在上星期摄于乌拉圭的月全食缩时影片,提供了直观的答案。在月全食期间,地球运行到月球与太阳之间,导致月亮大幅减光。然而,月球从未完全变暗,因为地球大气层会折射部分的阳光照耀月面。这部主题影片开头的场景,可能会让人误以为是阳光普照的白天,但事实上那是受到满月的月华照亮的夜晚。随着月亮逐渐食缺,慢慢变暗,背景的恒星开始显现。不过,最壮观的场景出现在月全食阶段,因为突然之间,月亮周围的夜空仿佛布满群星,其中最精采的则是繁星密布的银河系盘面。在月食开始后约2小时左右,月球逐渐离开地球的阴影,满月的眩光重新照亮天空。
明日的图片: moon glows blue