2019 September 26
Da Vinci Rise
Image Credit & Copyright: Likai Lin
Explanation: An old Moon rose this morning, its waning sunlit crescent shining just above the eastern horizon before sunrise. But earthshine, light reflected from a bright planet Earth, lit the shadowed portion of the lunar disk and revealed most of a familiar lunar near side to early morning risers. In fact, a description of earthshine in terms of sunlight reflected by Earth’s oceans illuminating the Moon’s dark surface was written over 500 years ago by Leonardo da Vinci. One lunation ago this old Moon also rose above the eastern horizon. Its sunlit crescent and da Vinci glow were captured in stacked exposures from the Badain Jilin Desert of Inner Mongolia, China on August 29, 2019. This year marks the 500th anniversary of Leondardo da Vinci’s death.
影像提供与版权: Likai Lin (林立锴)
说明: 在今天清晨的日出前,纤细的蛾眉下弦月,低悬在东方的地平线上方。不过,阳光从地球反射形成的地照光,照耀月亮的夜面,让早起的人们依然得以见到大部分熟悉的月球正面。早在500多年前,达文西就曾描述阳光如何被地球海洋反射,形成地照光照亮了月球黝黑的夜面。在一个月相周期(农历的一个月)之前,影像中这抹下弦月也是从东方地平线升起。而这幅记录月亮日耀蛾眉区和被地照光照亮的夜面之影像,则是由2019年8月29日摄于中国.内蒙古.巴丹吉林沙漠的多张照片叠加而成。今年适逢达文西逝世500周年。