2019 November 22
Orion Rising
Image Credit & Copyright: Vitalij Kopa
Explanation: Looking toward the east in the early hours of a September morning this single exposure made with tripod and camera captured a simple visual experience. Rising above the tree-lined slope are familiar stars in planet Earth’s northern night and the constellation Orion the Hunter. Brighter stars marking the celestial Hunter’s shoulder (Betelgeuse), foot (Rigel), belt, and sword are clearly reflected in the calm waters from northern Latvia’s Vitrupe river. Of course, winter is coming to planet Earth’s northern hemisphere. By then Orion and this beautiful starry vista will be seen rising in early evening skies.
影像提供与版权: Vitalij Kopa
说明: 在9月的一个清晨使用固定在三脚架上的相机,朝东方拍摄的单曝光照片,记录了这幅肉眼即可见的景观。影像中,悬在斜坡树线上方的,是北半球的星空和猎户座。而拉脱维亚北方维特鲁佩河的平静水面,则清晰的倒映着猎人肩部的亮星参宿四、足部的参宿七、腰带三星和猎人配剑。冬季即将降临地球的北半球,届时,猎户座和这片美丽的星野,入夜后就会升起。