2020 February 18
Orion over the Central Bohemian Highlands
Image Credit & Copyright: Vojtěch Bauer
Explanation: Do you recognize this constellation? Setting past the Central Bohemian Highlands in the Czech Republic is Orion, one of the most identifiable star groupings on the sky and an icon familiar to humanity for over 30,000 years. Orion has looked pretty much the same during this time and should continue to look the same for many thousands of years into the future. Prominent Orion is high in the sky at sunset this time of year, a recurring sign of (modern) winter in Earth’s northern hemisphere and summer in the south. The featured picture is a composite of over thirty images taken from the same location and during the same night last month. Below and slightly to the left of Orion’s three-star belt is the Orion Nebula, while four of the bright stars surrounding the belt are, clockwise, Sirius (far left, blue), Betelgeuse (top, orange, unusually faint), Aldebaran (far right), and Rigel (below). As future weeks progress, Orion will set increasingly earlier.
Infinite Random Loop: Create an APOD Station in your classroom or Science Center.
Tomorrow’s picture: fastest galaxy
影像提供与版权: Vojtěch Bauer
说明: 这个星座你认得吗?落向捷克·中波希米亚高地后方的是猎户座,它是天空最容易辨认的星群之一,也是3万多年来,人们最熟悉的星座。猎户座在过去5万年形状基本不变,而在未来的数千年之中,也会是如此。在每年的这段期间,醒目的猎户座在日落时,会高悬在天空中,标志现在是地球北半球的冬季和南半球的夏天。这幅主题影像,是由上个月某晚在相同地点拍摄的30多张照片组合而成。影像中,位在猎户腰带三星左下附近的是猎户大星云,而环拱腰带三星的4颗亮星,顺时针方向从左开始,分别是泛蓝的天狼(Sirius)、目前异常昏暗的橙红参宿四(上)、毕宿五(右缘附近)、和参宿七(下)。接下来随着时间一周一周的过去,猎户座会越来越早西沉。
无限随机循环:在教室或科学中心中创建一个今日天文图片(Astronomy Picture of the Day)工作站。
明日的图片: fastest galaxy