2020 March 7
Pic du Midi Panorama
Image Credit & Copyright: Patrick Lécureuil
Explanation: A surreal night skyscape, this panorama stitched from 12 photos looks to the west at an evening winter sky over Pic du Midi Observatory, Pyrenees Mountains, Planet Earth. Telescope domes and a tall communications tower inhabit the rugged foreground. On the right, lights from Tarbes, France about 35 kilometers away impinge on the designated dark sky site though, but more distant terrestrial lights seen toward the left are from cities in Spain. Stars and nebulae of the northern winter’s Milky Way arc through the sky above. Known to the planet’s night skygazers, the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters still hang over the western horizon near center. Captured in mid February the familiar stars of the constellation Orion are to the left and include the no longer fainting star Betelgeuse.
Tomorrow’s picture: stellar winds
影像来源及&版权: Patrick Lécureuil
说明: 这是一幅超现实的夜景。由12幅照片拼接而成的全景图展示了从比利牛斯山脉日中峰天文台向西望去的冬季星空。起伏的前景是望远镜圆顶和一座高耸的通信塔。影响这里暗夜环境的不仅是右侧35千米之外的法国Tarbes市,还有左侧远处从西班牙的城市发出的地面灯光。冬季北天银河中的恒星和星云在天空中搭起了拱桥。在画面中央,为人们所熟知的昴星团和毕星团悬挂在西方地平线之上。在这2月中旬拍摄的照片上,猎户座中著名的亮星位于左侧,里面的参宿四已不再继续变暗了。
明日一图预告: stellar winds