Night aboard the International Space Station can seemingly look like every spooky sci-fi movie you’ve ever seen. This image shows two empty spacesuits seemingly colluding as most of the astronauts slept.
This is one of several images snapped by European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst during his first stay on the orbital laboratory in 2014. During his second stay, he served as Space Station Commander. He has spent nearly a year in space, having served two tours on the station.
Image Credit: Alexander Gerst/ESA
这是欧洲航天局宇航员亚历山大·格斯特(Alexander Gerst)在2014年首次留在轨道实验室时拍摄的几张照片之一。在他第二次逗留期间,他曾担任空间站指挥官。他已经在太空待了将近一年,在空间站服役了两次。
图片来源:Alexander Gerst/ESA