In a series of flights between June 1-6, 2021, Stratodynamics Inc. launched its HiDRON stratospheric glider from a high-altitude balloon at Spaceport America in New Mexico. HiDRON carried technology supported by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program for the first time. The uncrewed HiDRON stratospheric glider from Stratodynamics is designed to release from a sounding balloon at near-space altitude, enabling a controlled descent for technology payloads aboard. The glider also achieves higher velocity than a balloon flight alone – one of the reasons NASA-supported researchers from the University of Kentucky chose Stratodynamics as the flight provider for testing of turbulence detection instruments.
According to the Federal Aviation Administration: “Clear air turbulence is air movement created by atmospheric pressure, jet streams, air around mountains, cold or warm weather fronts or thunderstorms. It can be unexpected and can happen when the sky appears to be clear.” Turbulence can be dangerous and has been know to injure passengers on commercial flights.
The series of flights aimed to help researchers assess the performance of a wind probe from the University of Kentucky and an infrasonic microphone sensor developed by researchers at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, which Stratodynamics licensed from NASA in 2020. Together, the instruments are designed to aid turbulence detection for remote-piloted and autonomous aerial vehicles, including commercial aircraft and on-demand delivery drones.
Learn more about this research.
Image Credit: Stratodynamics, Inc./UAVOS
这一系列飞行旨在帮助研究人员评估肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky)的风探测器和弗吉尼亚州汉普顿的NASA兰利研究中心(Langley Research Center)的研究人员开发的次声麦克风传感器的性能,Stratodynamics公司于2020年获得了NASA的平流层动力学许可证。这些仪器被设计用于帮助远程驾驶和自动驾驶飞行器(包括商用飞机和按需送货无人机)检测湍流。
图片来源:Stratodynamics, Inc./UAVOS