An army marches on its stomach, the saying goes, and astronauts fly on theirs. The success of any mission relies on plentiful, nutritious, and enjoyable food. A growing body of research on the space station looks at ways to improve the food supply as missions increase in length. Station crew members continue to work on two current food-related investigations.
This image was taken during plant harvest from the Veggie production facility for the Veg-04A experiment, part of a series of fresh food experiments that includes HRF Veg. That investigation uses psychological surveys and crew evaluations of the flavor and appeal of plants grown on the space station. Veg-04A will supplement astronauts’ diets with salad greens.
Image Credit: NASA
这张照片是在Veggie生产设施的植物收获期间为Veg-04A实验所拍摄,该实验是包括HRF Veg在内的一系列新鲜食品实验的一部分。该调查使用心理调查和船员对空间站上种植的植物的味道和吸引力进行评估。Veg-04A将用蔬菜沙拉补充宇航员的饮食。