This composite image made from seven frames shows the International Space Station, with a crew of seven onboard, in silhouette as it transits the Sun at roughly five miles per second, Friday, June 25, 2021, from near Nellysford, Va. Onboard are Expedition 65 NASA astronauts Megan McArthur, Mark Vande Hei, Shane Kimbrough, ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, and Roscosmos cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov and Oleg Novitskiy. At the time of the transit, Kimbrough and Pesquet were working outside on the station’s port 6 truss to install the second Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) on the 4B power channel.
这张由七帧组成的合成图像显示了国际空间站的轮廓,空间站上有七名机组人员,它于2021年6月25日星期五从弗吉尼亚州内利斯福德附近以大约每秒5英里的速度凌日。第65号远征队包括NASA宇航员梅根·麦克阿瑟、马克·范德·黑、谢恩·金布罗、ESA(欧洲航天局)宇航员托马斯·佩斯奎特、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构 (JAXA) 宇航员星出彰彦,以及俄罗斯航天局宇航员彼得·杜布罗夫和奥列格·诺维茨基。在凌日时,金布罗和佩斯奎特正在空间站的的6号端口桁架上工作,以便在4B电源通道上安装第二块推出式太阳能电池板(iROSA)。
Image Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky
影像来源:NASA/Joel Kowsky