In this image from Jan. 9, 2022, NASA astronaut Kayla Barron peered out from a window inside the cupola, the International Space Station’s “window to the world.” Prominent station components in this photograph include the Kibo laboratory module and its external pallet, the Japanese robotic arm, and the Leonardo Permanent Multipurpose Module.
在这张2022年1月9日拍摄的照片中,NASA宇航员凯拉·巴伦(Kayla Barron)从圆顶内的窗户向外张望,圆顶是国际空间站的“世界之窗”照片中突出的空间站组件包括Kibo实验室模块及其外部托盘、日本机械臂和莱昂纳多永久性多用途模块。
Image Credit: NASA