Astronaut Victor Glover was assigned to the first mission to the International Space Station onboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, during an event on Friday, Aug. 3, 2018, at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Other astronauts assigned to crew the first flight tests and missions of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon also were announced during the event.
Glover piloted SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, which splashed down on May 2, 2021, that carried fellow NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins and Shannon Walker, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Soichi Noguchi. The mission returned to Earth in a parachute-assisted splashdown at 2:56 a.m. EDT off the coast of Panama City, Florida. Crews aboard SpaceX recovery vessels successfully recovered the spacecraft and astronauts.
In this image, Glover celebrated his birthday during his stay on the station.
Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
2018年8月3日星期五,在德克萨斯州休斯顿的美国宇航局约翰逊航天中心举行的一次活动中,宇航员维克多·格洛弗被分配到SpaceX的龙飞船上执行第一次国际空间站任务。 波音CST-100星际客机和SpaceX货运龙飞船的首次飞行测试和任务的其他宇航员也在活动中宣布。
影像来源:NASA/Bill Ingalls