The LAMP mission, short for Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations, launched on Saturday, Marc 5, 2022, aboard a Black Brant IX suborbital sounding rocket. The mission will study an often overlooked kind of aurora, called a pulsating aurora, and test a theory on what causes them.
Like all aurora, a pulsating aurora is set alight by electrons (and occasionally protons) from near-Earth space. These electrons plunge into our atmosphere and collide with atoms and molecules, causing them to glow in their distinctive colors – red and green by oxygen, blue by nitrogen – as they release their excess energy.
Image Credit: NASA
LAMP任务是极光微爆发脉动损失的简称,于2022年3月5日星期六搭载Black Brant IX亚轨道探空火箭发射升空。这项任务将研究一种经常被忽视的极光,称为脉动极光,并测试其成因的理论。