The SpaceX Dragon Endurance spacecraft is seen just after undocking from the forward port of the International Space Station’s Harmony module at 1:20 a.m. EDT, Thursday, May 5, 2022.
Endurance is bringing Crew-3 back to Earth, including NASA astronauts Kayla Barron, Raja Chari, and Tom Marshburn, and ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Matthias Maurer, after a nearly six-month stay aboard the station.
Follow the mission on NASA TV.
Image Credit: NASA TV
2022年5月5日星期四,美国东部夏令时凌晨1:20,SpaceX Resistance号载人龙飞船刚刚从国际空间站和谐舱的前舱分离。
影像来源:NASA TV