This new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope looks at two spiral galaxies, collectively known as Arp 303. The pair, individually called IC 563 (bottom right) and IC 564 (top left), are 275 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Sextans.
The image holds data from two separate Hubble observations of Arp 303. The first used Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to study the pair’s clumpy star-forming regions in infrared light. Galaxies like IC 563 and IC 564 are very bright at infrared wavelengths and host many bright star-forming regions.
The second used Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) to take quick looks at bright, interesting galaxies across the sky. The observations filled gaps in Hubble’s archive and looked for promising candidates that Hubble, the James Webb Space Telescope, and other telescopes could study further.
The colors red, orange, and green represent infrared wavelengths taken with WFC3, and the color blue represents ACS visible light data.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, K. Larson (STScI), and J. Dalcanton (University of Washington); Image Processing: G. Kober (NASA Goddard/Catholic University of America)
这张来自美国宇航局哈勃太空望远镜的新图像观测了两个螺旋星系,统称为Arp 303。这对分别被称为IC 563(右下)和IC 564(左上)的星系,距离六分仪星座方向2.75亿光年。
该图像包含来自哈勃对Arp 303两次单独观测的数据。第一次使用哈勃的广角照相机3(WFC3)在红外光下研究了这对行星的块状恒星形成区域。像IC563和IC564这样的星系在红外波段非常明亮,拥有许多明亮的恒星形成区域。