Astronaut Nicole Mann sits inside a T-38 trainer jet at Ellington Field in Houston, Texas, in this image from Nov. 15, 2018. She served as the T-38 safety and training officer; T-38s are used for pilot proficiency and training for astronauts.
Selected as an astronaut candidate in June 2013, Mann will be the first Indigenous woman from NASA in space. In her first spaceflight, she is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station as commander of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 mission aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft no earlier than Oct. 5, 2022.
As mission commander, she will be responsible for all phases of flight, from launch to re-entry. She will serve as an Expedition 68 flight engineer aboard the station.
Watch our SpaceX Crew-5 mission launch to the Space Station.
2013年6月,妮可·曼被选为宇航员候选人,她将成为NASA在太空中的第一位土著女性。在她的第一次太空飞行中,她计划最早于2022年10月5日作为NASA的SpaceX Crew-5任务的指挥官,乘坐SpaceX载人龙飞船发射到国际空间站。