Jonny Kim被选为美国宇航局2017年宇航员班的成员,绰号“海龟”。2002年从圣莫尼卡高中毕业后,金姆作为一名海员加入了海军。在海军特种作战训练结束后,他被指派为海豹突击队第三分队的特种作战操作员。在2009年接受海军的委托项目之前,他曾担任过战地医生、狙击手、领航员和指挥人员,参与过100多次战斗行动,负责两次部署到中东的战斗行动。2012年从圣地亚哥大学毕业后,Jonny Kim通过海军预备役军官训练队进入了医疗队。在2017年6月被选中时,Kim是麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)Partners Healthcare的急诊医学住院医师。
Jonny Kim was selected as a member of NASA’s 2017 astronaut class, nicknamed “the Turtles.” Kim enlisted in the Navy as a Seaman recruit following graduation from Santa Monica High School in 2002. After completion of training at Naval Special Warfare, he was assigned as a Special Warfare Operator to SEAL Team THREE in San Diego, California. He served as a combat medic, sniper, navigator and point man on more than 100 combat operations spanning two deployments to the Middle East before accepting the Navy’s commissioning program in 2009. Kim was commissioned through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps into the Medical Corps following graduation from the University of San Diego in 2012. At the time of his selection in June 2017, Kim was a resident physician in emergency medicine with Partners Healthcare at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Image Credit: NASA