1969年5月18日,阿波罗10号发射升空,这是土星5号的第五次发射。它搭载了任务指挥官Thomas Stafford、指挥模块飞行员John Young和登月舱飞行员Eugene Cernan前往月球。机组人员进行了第一次月球轨道交会对接, 除了动力下降、着陆和登月舱升空外, 还执行了月球着陆任务。任务目标是排练所有步骤并重现阿波罗11号的所有事件,即第一次登月任务,除了月球着陆,停留和升空。
这次任务向地球进行了第一台彩色电视直播, 发射后 3个小时, 阿波罗10号距离地球3,570 英里。
When Apollo 10 launched on May 18, 1969, it was the fifth launch of the Saturn V. It carried Mission Commander Thomas Stafford, command module pilot John Young and lunar module pilot Eugene Cernan to the Moon. The crew performed the first lunar orbit rendezvous, and the lunar landing mission profile was performed except for powered descent, landing and ascent of the lunar module. The mission objectives were to rehearse all the steps and reproduce all the events of the Apollo 11, the first lunar landing mission, with the exception of the lunar touchdown, stay and liftoff.
The mission transmitted the first live color television transmissions to Earth, which began three hours after launch when Apollo 10 was 3,570 miles from Earth.
Image Credit: NASA