The Crew Module Test Article (CMTA), a full-scale mockup of NASA’s Orion spacecraft, is seen in the waters of the Pacific Ocean on July 26, 2023, during the first in a series of tests conducted by NASA and the Department of Defense to demonstrate and evaluate the processes, procedures, and hardware for recovery operations for crewed Artemis missions. This test is the first specifically in support of the Artemis II mission and allowed the team to practice what it will be like to recover astronauts and get them back to the recovery ship safely.
Image Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux
在NASA正在进行的回收测试10 (URT-10)期间,机组人员模块测试文章(CMTA)出现在太平洋水域。CMTA是猎户座飞船的全尺寸模型,由NASA及其国防部合作伙伴使用它来练习阿尔忒弥斯载人任务的回收程序。URT-10是第一次专门支持阿尔忒弥斯2号任务的测试,让团队练习如何回收宇航员,并将他们安全地带回回收船。
影像来源:NASA/Frank Michaux