NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins (left) and Rick Mastracchio, show off their Thanksgiving meal in the Unity node of the International Space Station on Nov. 28, 2013. The meal included smoked turkey, green beans, and stuffing. This year, holiday treats including turkey, pumpkin spice cappuccino, and cranberry sauce were sent to the orbital laboratory through NASA’s SpaceX CRS-29 launch.
Watch astronauts currently on the space station share a Thanksgiving message.
Image Credit: NASA/Mike Hopkins
2013年11月28日,NASA宇航员迈克尔·霍普金斯(左)和里克·马斯特拉奇奥在国际空间站的团结节点展示他们的感恩节大餐。这顿饭包括烟熏火鸡、青豆和馅料。今年,包括火鸡、南瓜香料卡布奇诺和蔓越莓酱在内的节日美食通过NASA的SpaceX CRS-29发射被送往轨道实验室。
图片来源: NASA/Mike Hopkins