Editor’s Note: Dr. Camille Alleyne has retired since the publishing of this feature.
“I started the Brightest Stars Foundation 16 years ago because I realized there were no little ones in the pipeline who looked like me coming up. Because I had accomplished so much, it was important for me to pay it forward. I’ve mentored scores and scores of young people – early career professionals in high school, in college, and from all over the world – so they could be inspired and empowered by my career and my journey.
“It’s about hard work. It’s about determination. It’s about focus. It’s about tenacity. And most importantly, it’s about believing in yourself. Because sometimes others don’t believe in you, so it’s important to get into the zone and say, ‘I am going! I know my path, and I can do this!’
“My mentoring style is about being authentic but also being vulnerable and sharing all the ups and the downs, the trials and the tribulations of my journey and career. This is not an easy field, so as one of the few women of color in the field, it is important to share in a way that empowers and inspires those that want to follow in my footsteps.
“You must have grit, resilience, courage, and strength. I’m able to really share all the wisdom and the lessons I’ve learned throughout my career with [the students I mentor], and that makes a difference.”
— Dr. Camille Alleyne, Deputy Program Manager, Commercial LEO Development Program, NASA’s Johnson Space Center
Image Credit: NASA / Bill Stafford
Interviewer: NASA / Thalia Patrinos
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“16 年前,我成立了璀璨星空基金会,为我意识到没有像我这样的小人物出现在这个项目中。因为我已经取得了如此多的成就,所以回报社会对我来说非常重要。我指导了数十名年轻人——高中生、大学生和来自世界各地的早期职业专业人士——让他们从我的职业生涯和人生旅途中获得启发和力量。
图片来源:NASA/Bill Stafford
采访者:NASA/Thalia Patrinos