While the International Space Station orbited 260 miles above the East China Sea, NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli snapped this photo of Shanghai’s city lights and the Huangpu River flowing through downtown. Shanghai is the most populous city in China with a population of about 24.9 million.
The space station serves as a unique platform for observing Earth with both hands-on and automated equipment. Station crew members have produced hundreds of thousands of images, recording phenomena such as storms in real time, observing natural events such as volcanic eruptions as they happen, and providing input to ground personnel for programming automated Earth-sensing systems. Having a crew on board provides flexibility, a significant advantage over sensors on robotic spacecraft. Astronauts take images using handheld digital cameras, usually through windows in the station’s cupola, for Crew Earth Observations.
Image Credit: NASA/Jasmin Moghbeli
当国际空间站在中国东海上空260英里处运行时,NASA宇航员贾思敏·莫格贝利(Jasmin Moghbeli)拍摄了这张上海城市灯光和流经市中心的黄浦江照片。上海是中国人口最多的城市,人口约2,490万。
图片来源:NASA/Jasmin Moghbeli