This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image captures a triple-star star system.
NASA, ESA, G. Duchene (Universite de Grenoble I); Image Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)
Looking like a glittering cosmic geode, a trio of dazzling stars blaze from the hollowed-out cavity of a reflection nebula in this new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The triple-star system is made up of the variable star HP Tau, HP Tau G2, and HP Tau G3. HP Tau is known as a T Tauri star, a type of young variable star that hasn’t begun nuclear fusion yet but is beginning to evolve into a hydrogen-fueled star similar to our Sun. T Tauri stars tend to be younger than 10 million years old ― in comparison, our Sun is around 4.6 billion years old ― and are often found still swaddled in the clouds of dust and gas from which they formed.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, G. Duchene (Universite de Grenoble I); Image Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)
影像来源: NASA, ESA, G. Duchene (Universite de Grenoble I); 影像处理: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)
在这张新的哈勃太空望远镜图像中,三颗耀眼的恒星从一个反射星云的空洞中闪耀出来,仿佛一个闪闪发光的宇宙晶洞。这个三恒星系统由变星HP Tau、HP Tau G2和HP Tau G3组成。HP Tau被称为一颗金牛T星,这是一种尚未开始核聚变但正在进化为类似我们太阳的氢燃烧恒星的年轻变星。金牛T星通常年龄小于1000万年——相比之下,我们的太阳大约有46亿年历史——它们通常仍包裹在形成它们的尘埃和气体云中。
影像来源: NASA, ESA, G. Duchene (Universite de Grenoble I); 影像处理: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)