The powerhouse of Gateway, NASA’s orbiting outpost around the Moon and a critical piece of infrastructure for Artemis, is in the midst of several electric propulsion system tests.
The Power and Propulsion Element (PPE), being manufactured by Maxar Technologies, provides Gateway with power, high-rate communications, and propulsion for maneuvers around the Moon and to transit between different orbits. The PPE will be combined with the Habitation and Logistic Outpost (HALO) before the integrated spacecraft’s launch. Together, these elements will serve as the hub for early Gateway crewed operations and various science and technology demonstrations as the full Gateway station is assembled around it in the coming years.
In this image, PPE engineers successfully tested the integration of Aerojet Rocketdyne’s thruster with Maxar’s power procession unit and Xenon Flow Controller.
Image Credit: NASA
动力和推进元件(PPE)由Maxar Technologies制造,为门户提供动力、高速通信和推进,用于绕月机动和在不同轨道之间转移。在集成航天器发射之前,PPE将与居住和后勤前哨(HALO)结合。随着未来几年整个门户空间站的组装完成,这些元素将共同成为早期门户载人操作和各种科学技术演示的中心。
在这张图片中,PPE工程师成功测试了Aerojet Rocketdyne的推进器与Maxar的动力处理单元和氙气流量控制器的集成。
影像来源: NASA